FedEx warehouse South Fayetteville (SFAY)

Street address 880 Technology Drive
City Fayetteville
State North Carolina
Zip code 28306

If you are looking to move here for work…

Walk Score®:8

Bike Score®:24

The Walk Score® of 8 for this warehouse location indicates that it is car-dependent, meaning that most errands will require a car to complete. The Bike Score® of 24 implies that the area is somewhat bikeable, suggesting that some errands can be accomplished by cycling but may not be as convenient as driving. Overall, the location may be more suitable for those who prefer to use a car for transportation rather than relying on walking or biking.

Union status


Weather forecast at this location

Date 2024-10-07
Temperature 69.67°F (Feels like 69.4°F)
Brief description clear sky

Weather data provided by OpenWeather.

Building type
