Street address | 2251 E Bardin Road |
City | Arlington |
State | Texas |
Zip code | 76018 |
If you are looking to move here for work…
Walk Score®:19
Bike Score®:36
The location of this warehouse is primarily reliant on cars for transportation, as indicated by its Walk Score® of 19, which shows that most errands require a car. However, it is somewhat accessible by bike, with a Bike Score® of 36 indicating that it is possible to use a bike for some trips but may still require a car for others.
Union status
Weather forecast at this location
Date | 2025-01-26 |
Temperature | 52.3°F (Feels like 51.04°F) |
Brief description | overcast clouds |
Weather data provided by OpenWeather.
Building type
Station (Automated)