FedEx warehouse South San Jose (SSJO)

Street address 1605 Industrial Ave
City San Jose
State California
Zip code 95112

If you are looking to move here for work…

Walk Score®:84

Bike Score®:94

The location of this warehouse has a Walk Score® of 84, indicating that it is very walkable. This means that daily errands can be accomplished on foot with ease. Additionally, it has a Bike Score® of 94, signifying that it is a biker’s paradise. This suggests that the area is extremely bike-friendly, with flat terrain and excellent biking infrastructure, making it convenient and safe for cyclists to travel around the area.

Union status


Weather forecast at this location

Date 2024-10-25
Temperature 71.08°F (Feels like 69.15°F)
Brief description clear sky

Weather data provided by OpenWeather.

Building type
