Street address | 22525 W. 167Th Street |
City | Olathe |
State | Kansas |
Zip code | 66062 |
If you are looking to move here for work…
Walk Score®:16
Bike Score®:51
The Walk Score® of 16 indicates that the area where the warehouse is located is not very walkable and is considered car-dependent, meaning that most errands would require a car to complete. However, the Bike Score® of 51 reveals that the area is somewhat conducive to biking, making it a viable option for those who prefer to travel by bicycle.
Union status
Weather forecast at this location
Date | 2025-01-26 |
Temperature | 33.62°F (Feels like 27.63°F) |
Brief description | scattered clouds |
Weather data provided by OpenWeather.
Building type
Station (Automated)