Street address | 5064 S Merrimac Ave |
City | Chicago |
State | Illinois |
Zip code | 60638-1306 |
If you are looking to move here for work…
Walk Score®:41
Bike Score®:49
The Walk Score® of the area where this warehouse is situated is 41, which indicates that people living in this locality may find it challenging to accomplish daily errands without a car. The Bike Score® for this area is 49, which implies that it’s moderately convenient for people to bike to get around, but they may need to use other modes of transportation for some errands.
Union status
Weather forecast at this location
Date | 2025-01-02 |
Temperature | 27.43°F (Feels like 18.68°F) |
Brief description | broken clouds |
Weather data provided by OpenWeather.