Contact List of FedEx Independent Service Providers (ISPs)


In this FedEx ISP contact list, you will get:

  1. 614 phone numbers
  2. 498 email addresses
  3. 243 web addresses

Last updated: 29th October 2024

This is a spreadsheet containing 2,010 FedEx Independent Service Providers (ISPs) as well as their contact details, where available.

FedEx ISPs are companies contracted by FedEx Ground deliver goods to the end customer or between hubs/delivery stations.

In this document, you will get:

  1. 614 phone numbers
  2. 498 email addresses
  3. 243 web addresses

Please note that this spreadsheet works on both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Below is a sample of 50 such providers:

Company nameStreet addressCityStateZip codeCountryMailing street addressMailing cityMailing stateMailing zip codeMailing country
DNH Logistics Inc104 Villa DriveDurhamNC27712
TBJ Trucking LLC4541 E Fm 485CameronTX76520US
DMR Trucking Inc4973 Silver Bow DrHilliardOH43026US4973 Silver Bow DrHilliardOH43026US
Greeneagle Transport Inc66 Riverside AveWestportCT6880US
Martin's P & D Inc3836 Norwood LnTuscaloosaAL35405-3330US
ERT Logistics Inc5 Tsienneto Rd, Unit 121DerryNH3038US5 Tsienneto Rd, Unit 121DerryNH3038US
Kennedy Global Logistics Group413 16TH ST NBirminghamALUS
Hardy Detail LLC3737 2nd Ave SBirminghamAL35222US
H29 Logistics Inc8804 138th Ct SENewcastleWA98059-3496US8804 138th Ct SENewcastleWA98059-3496US
Sushil Kumar27318 111Th Pl SeKentWA98030US
Saturn 3 Express Inc19424 58th Pl WLynnwoodWA98036-5205US19424 58th Pl WLynnwoodWA98036-5205US
Orion Pax Inc11168 Sweetstem CtLas VegasNV89138US11168 Sweetstem CtLas VegasNV89138US
SB Delivery Co18213 43rd St ELake TappsWA98391-9142US18213 43rd St ELake TappsWA98391-9142US
Brooksy Inc63 Silver Drift TrailHampdenME4444US
White Family Freight Incorporated1705 Bangor RdLinneusME4730US1705 Bangor RdLinneusME4730US
Owen Logistics IncKernersvilleNCUS
Koonta Inc1202 N 6000 WRexburgID83440-3044US1202 N 6000 WRexburgID83440-3044US
Garrid Enterprises Inc8515 W Canary CtGarden CityID83714US8515 W Canary CtGarden CityID83714US
Tablerock Distributing Inc2939 E Starview DrBoiseID83712US2939 E Starview DrBoiseID83712-8536US
AG Trucking Inc9093 AnzaPlanadaCA95365US
Wright Now Trucking Inc3116 Belharbour DriveModestoCA95355US
Caliza Global Enterprises Inc24806 Caliza TerraceBoerneTX78006US24806 Caliza TerraceBoerneTX78006-8590US
FrontRange Partners Inc343 Rittiman RoadSan AntonioTX78209US
AANC Ventures Inc12502 Hawks Ridge RoadHuntersvilleNC28087US18018 Overlook Loop Ste 105-130San AntonioTX78259-1875US
Kyunis Enterprise Inc4806 Lee Hutson LaneSachseTX75048US
Grayscreen Inc2031 Bridleside DriveIndian TrailNC28079US
McEwen & Dotson Logistics Corporation1658 S Forum Dr., Apt. 2102Grand PrairieTX75052US1658 S Forum Dr., Apt. 2102Grand PrairieTX75052-1133US
Spring Hill Logistics Inc3982 Grovesner StreetHarrisburgNC28075US
Lightspeed Transportation Inc414 Broad StPerkasiePA18944US
Parrish Inc1625 TURTLE ALKE RDQuincyIL62305US
C Hoagland Transfer Inc116 W Prairie StBroadwellIL62633US
N. Trader Trucking Inc2421 State Line RdFoxboroWI54836US2421 State Line RdFoxboroWI54836-9598US
Gilbert Inc6402 Redruth StreetDuluthMN55807US6402 Redruth StreetDuluthMN55807US
Terrance Fjeld21222 181St AveSebekaMN56477US
Blue Ox Transport Inc4657 Engen RdPequot LakesMN56472US
US Transport Services Inc1515 Halsted StChicago HeightsIL60411US
Package Peddler Inc3907 Jewett AvenueHammondIN46322US
Rayne 2 Logistics Inc12950 W Oak View CtHomer GlenIL60491US12950 W Oak View CtHomer GlenIL60491US
Infinite Global Management Inc20500 S La Grange Rd Ste 200SFrankfortIL60423-1901US
Megehee Logistics Inc959 Mary Ruth DriveGulfportMS39507US
JTTW Trucking Incorporated2 Lee's CrossingValdostaGA31605US
Zoomed Xpedited Logistics LLC839 E Market St Ste 106AkronOH44305US
T&T Logistics Inc3829 Pentland Hills DrUpper MarlboroMD20774US
See Group IncFort WorthTXUS
MJA Enterprises Inc5601 Riverwood LandingTheodoreAL36582US
Michael C McKee and Associates Inc2124 Moxie LaneWintervilleNC28590US
TD&H Inc940 Golf House Rd. W Ste G3WhitsettNC27377US940 Golf House Rd. W Ste G3WhitsettNC27377US
A&L Delivery Inc200 Milton Way, Unit CMiltonWA98354-8867US200 Milton Way, Unit CMiltonWA98354-8867US
ETED Delivery Inc10619 19th Ave Ct STacomaWA98444US10619 19th Ave Ct STacomaWA98444US