Do PepsiCo Warehouses Drug Test?

Whether you will get drug tested at a PepsiCo warehouse or not will depend on the particular facility.

Many PepsiCo warehouses no longer perform drug tests on their warehouse workers.

PepsiCo warehouse facilities that have high turnover rates rarely perform pre-hire drug screening due to labor shortage.

Even though marijuana is becoming legalized in many states, PepsiCo can still test you for weed since the drug is illegal at the federal level.

Compared to many warehouse employers, PepsiCo is notable for still having a stringent no drugs policy in many of its facilities.

This is despite the company introducing a line of hemp infused energy drinks (ironic, huh?).

It is advisable to stop doing cannabis when applying for jobs at a PepsiCo warehouse because you never know if the facility you are applying to does drug tests.

Roles that require mandatory drug screening

Warehouse roles like picker or merchendiser are the least likely to get drug tested at PepsiCo warehouses.

However, there are a few roles whose significance requires them to have mandatory pre-employment and random drug tests.

Under federal law, PepsiCo truck drivers are required to get random drug tests since they are CDL.

Other PepsiCo warehouse positions that require drug testing are maintenance technicians.

Employees in these positions are required by federal law to get drug tested.

Employees getting into management positions may also get drug tested.

When to expect a drug test

There are certain situations where PepsiCo warehouse workers might get drug tested:

  • If you change positions (e.g. when you get promoted)
  • If you have been involved in an accident and equipment is damaged.
  • If you get into an accident and sustain injuries.
  • If there is reasonable suspicion of being under the influence of drugs, such as slurred speech.

Even though PepsiCo has the right to drug test you under these conditions, they rarely do so in many facilities.

Urine analysis/test

A urine test kit

PepsiCo does urine tests as the drug testing mode of choice.

With a urine test, a strip with tiny colored pads is dipped into a urine sample after which it changes color according to the concentration of the drugs being tested for.

Drug test locations depend on a particular site. Some sites have an onsite testing rep while others require you to visit a testing lab (e.g. Concentra) to get drug tested.

Tips and recommendations

It is generally advisable to stop consuming cannabis when applying for jobs such as those at PepsiCo warehouses.

If you think (or know) that you are going to get tested and have used marijuana recently, you can buy a home drug test and find out if you’ll test positive for it.

If you have a medical prescription for any drug you use, it may get you off the hook if you ever test positive for it.

Cranberry juice is a natural detox and can help you pass a marijuana drug test.

Do not bring up the subject of marijuana use during your interview if the interviewers don’t bring it up themselves. Doing so might make you look suspicious.

How package handlers pass the drug test by finessing the testing process

Since drug tests at PepsiCo are unobserved (observed urine tests would be illegal in many places), some employees finesse their way into passing the urine test even when they have recently taken drugs such as cannabis.

They do this using synthetic urine which is a lab made chemical that is indistinguishable from real pee to the naked eye.

A popular product for passing urine tests is the synthetic urine kit which goes a step further from regular fake urine kits by:

  1. having an attached temperature strip and heat pad that warms up the fake urine sample to body temperature so that it doesn’t rouse suspicions of the drug testers
  2. including all ingredients normally found in real pee such as creatine and properly balanced pH levels.
Pass USA drug test banner

If you take this route, make sure to:

  • read the instructions that come with your kit very carefully and follow them to the letter
  • give yourself enough time to get ready on the day of the test so as not to make any mistake that might get you caught while in a rush.