Amazon Freight Partner (AFP) Contact List


This is an spreadsheet containing contact details of 182 Amazon Freight Partners (AFPs). The following details are included:

  1. Legal name
  2. Doing business as (DBA) name (where available)
  3. Website (where available)
  4. Phone number
  5. Email
  6. Street address
  7. City
  8. State
  9. Zip code
  10. Mailing address
  11. Mailing city
  12. Mailing state
  13. Mailing zip code
  14. Owner name

The following contact details are available;

  • 181 business email addresses
  • 180 business phone numbers
  • 85 websites
  • 178 owner names

Last updated: 1st February 2025

Amazon Freight Partners (AFPs) are companies contracted by Amazon to move goods between its warehouses (such as fulfillment centers and delivery stations).

These companies own fleets of Amazon branded trucks and differ from delivery service partners (i.e., DSPs) in that DSPs ship goods to the end customer (i.e., the final mile) using delivery vans.

This is a list of 182 Amazon Freight Partners and includes the following details:

  1. Legal name
  2. Doing business as (DBA) name (where available)
  3. Website (where available)
  4. Phone number
  5. Email
  6. Street address
  7. City
  8. State
  9. Zip code
  10. Mailing address
  11. Mailing city
  12. Mailing state
  13. Mailing zip code
  14. Owner name

The following contact details are available in the Excel sheet:

  • 181 business email addresses
  • 180 business phone numbers
  • 85 websites
  • 178 owner names

Below is a sample of 50 such companies with their contact details omitted.

This list can be opened in both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

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