warehouse worker

Is Warehouse Work Blue-Collar?

Most entry-level warehouse jobs are blue-collar. This is because a blue collar worker is defined as a working class person who performs manual labor. This description fits warehouse work well since most of it is manual. Examples of blue-collar warehouse…

amazon warehouse associates

Amazon Peak: A Comprehensive Guide for New Associates

Amazon warehouse facilities get quite busy towards the end of the year. This period is referred to as peak in Amazon parlance. Peak season happens during major holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Peak can be quite hectic for associates…

Amazon building

Amazon Warehouse Locations and Codes

With almost 200 facilities in the US and around the world, Amazon’s warehouse network is one of the largest in the world. These facilities range from 600,000 to 800,000 square feet in size. Each of the buildings has a capacity…

VTO at Amazon Warehouses

Voluntary time off (VTO) is unpaid time off given by Amazon to warehouse associates who wish to leave work early or not come to work at all. It is available to full-time, flex, reduced-time and part time employees. It is…

All About Being an Amazon Stow Associate

Stowing is one of the most common jobs at Amazon warehouses. Stowers can be found in both Amazon fulfillment centers (including Amazon robotics facilities) and sort centers. Stowing is the process of storing incoming inventory into an appropriate storage location…

target distribution center

Do Target Distribution Centers Drug Test?

Target distribution centers do not drug test their employees except for certain situations that we’ll discuss in this article. Preemployment drug testing is not common at Target distribution centers (DCs) because drug tests can be quite expensive – sometimes as…