OTAD On Time Accurate Delivery

OTAD On Time Accurate Delivery is an Amazon delivery contractor.

Business contacts

Email address: *****nc.com

Phone number: (404)*****

Website: https://otad Inc.com/

Physical address

Street address: 260 Triple Creek Trl

City: Fayetteville

State: GA

Zip code: 30214

Zip code: US

Mailing address

Mailing street address: 260 Triple Creek Trl

Mailing city: Fayetteville

Mailing state: GA

Mailing zip code: 30214

Mailing country: US


Name: Debra E Jenkins (owner)

Email address:  


Fleet size

  • 41 trucks (as of 2024-04-30)
  • 41 trucks (as of 2024-05-31)
  • 41 trucks (as of 2024-06-28)
  • 41 trucks (as of 2024-07-26)

Driver count

  • 80 drivers (as of 2024-04-30)
  • 80 drivers (as of 2024-05-31)
  • 80 drivers (as of 2024-06-28)
  • 80 drivers (as of 2024-07-26)